You, or your girlfriend, is pregnant. Or maybe you’re a friend wondering how to help.

You may be scared, confused, excited or numb. There are some pretty important choices to be made, with life-long effects. How can you make the best decision (or best help your friend) when you don’t have all the facts?

Most teens are surprised to learn that they have incomplete knowledge — or even misinformation — about the choices related to teen pregnancy.

We’re here to help you learn the facts, sort through the options, and point you toward some resources you may need.

What are the facts? Things you may not know about teen parentingadoption and abortion.

Consider the similarities and differences between abortion and adoption.

Read comments from other teens after they learned the facts.


About Teen Parenting


  • Who are the Pregnancy Care Centers or Health Care Providers near me?

  • What are my Child Care Options?

  • What are my Financial Obligations?



  • Teen mothers who are on welfare by the time their child is one years old: 63%

  • Teen mothers who will graduate from high school: 4 out of 10

  • Teen dads who will marry the teen mother of their child: 2 out of 10

  • Teen couples who marry that statically will end in divorce: 59%

  • Teen moms who will have a college diploma by the age of 30: Less than 2%

  • The poverty rate for children born to unmarried, high school drop-out teen mothers: 78%

  • The cost to parent a child in the first year of life: $12,000-$15,000

  • Here is a calculator that will show in total how much it will cost to raise a child, from infancy to college, in your specific region.


  • Pregnancy Options and Counseling

  • Pregnancy Testing

  • Confidential Peer Counseling

  • Support Services

  • Maternity & Baby Items

  • Agency Referrals

  • Information on Adoption

  • Post Abortion Recovery Program


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