Christian School Classroom Setting Programs

Life Choices Faith Based

DCO Classroom Curriculum

“Life Choices: Parental Guidance Necessary” is a resource toolkit for parents to bring God’s design and plan for abundant life to your children. It is also for Christian educators and church youth leaders to help guide this vital area of instruction with young people. This is a powerpoint download for teachers to use in the classroom that explores the choices that adolescents and young adults face and guides them to health, spiritual wholeness and sexual integrity. The curriculum provides direction as they navigate the very dangerous current cultural waters. Our goal is to convey the depth and breadth of God’s good, and beneficial and loving design of gender, marriage, sex, family and life!

Designed for More

Parent and Small Group

Designed for More is a video series for parents and teens to communicate the truths about God’s design for our lives, our relationships, and our destiny.

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Partnering with private high schools through the health education classes, DCO programs teach and equip students with success oriented skills and knowledge leading to optimal health and life outcomes. The true costs of sexual activity prior to marriage and potential outcomes of risky sexual behaviors are clearly explored:  STD/STIs, pregnancy, educational, economic and relational impact.  This program serves 9th/10th grade students in state mandated health classes and is taught by SRAS certified education specialists. A new online curriculum for teachers is available as a downloadable pdf for those schools that wish to teach this themselves or click below to contact us about coming to your school.

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Reaching older teenage students, this engaging and interactive program provides hands-on research Into the realities and demands of parenting.  The financial costs of parenting as well as the impact of teen on educational, economic and career prospects are uncovered.  The program is taught through the Personal Finance/Economics, Family Living & Child Development classes in public and private high Schools targeting 11th-12th grade students.

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Developing middle school students through an engaging and thorough exploration of identity, value,and the role of positive physical, emotional, relational and media boundaries.  DCO partners with public and private middle schools and community organizations to strengthen this age group toward healthy choices at at time when online abuses and addictions can be so destructive. The program is taught through 6th-8th grade middle school classes.

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Offered in after school and community small group settings, THRIVE Mentoring cultivates healthy decision making, self-efficacy, relationship skills and orientation toward positive life outcomes. Many middle and high school students involved in this program need the asset development and weekly mentoring to avoid risky behaviors.

Pastor Bruce Chesser shares the need and support for the ministry of DCO.

If interested in scheduling a program for your school or community organization